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Component models

A detailed specification of available component data models and their application.


Component data models are utilized to create virtual twins of building equipment. They are templates representing the correlation between data points and metadata of building equipment. To create such a virtual twin, a component data model gets added to a specific project, and data points and metadata get mapped to its pins (placeholders for data points) and attributes (placeholders for metadata).

This page offers specifications on the available component data models and available analytics functions for each component.

Alphanumeric IDs

Alphanumeric IDs are used to access component pins and attributes via the API. Each ID is unique and contains information about the pin/attribute and corresponding component. See component data models for more information on alphanumeric IDs of all pins, components, and attributes.

Available component data models

Application notes

Hints for a smooth application of component data models and their mapping.

  • 1-to-n mapping: One datapoint can be mapped to several instantiated components to allow data models of different granularity.
  • Unit sensitivity: To this state, our algorithms are unit sensitive. Every pin and attribute is specified with a unit. Mind the specifications.

If unit conventions are disregarded, this can lead to errors and even misleading results of algorithms.

  • Incomplete mapping: Pins and attributes, are placeholders which might or might not be mapped to data. Algorithms will work on incomplete mapped components, they require mapping for specific placeholders though. Check the algorithm documentation for the required mappings.

Component data models

The individual component data models are described below.

Air cooler

The Air cooler component represents generic air coolers that use water as the cooling medium. The alphanumeric ID for the component Air cooler is C_CM.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
C_CM+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
C_CM+C_CRC+EN_C Cooling energy - water side Measured cooling energy of the cooling circuit default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
C_CM+C_CRC+POW_C Cooling power - water side Measured cooling power of the cooling circuit default: kW use component attribute to adjust
C_CM+T_AIR_IN Inlet air temperature Temperature of the air entering the air cooler °C
C_CM+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
C_CM+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
C_CM+T_AIR_OUT Outlet air temperature Temperature of the air exiting the air cooler °C
C_CM+C_CRC+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
C_CM+C_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
C_CM+C_CRC+T_OUT Return temperature - water side Temperature of the fluid exiting the cooling circuit of the air cooler °C
C_CM+C_CRC+T_IN Supply temperature - water side Temperature of the fluid entering the cooling circuit of the air cooler °C
C_CM+C_CRC+VAL_POS_SP Valve control signal Control signal of the valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
C_CM+C_CRC+VAL_POS Valve position Actual position of valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
C_CM+VF_AIR Volume flow - ventilation side Volume flow through the ventilation duct m3/h
C_CM+C_CRC+VF Volume flow - water side Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
C_CM+U_EN_C Cooling energy unit - water side Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling energy pin. string Allowed values:
C_CM+U_POW_C Cooling power unit - water side Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling power pin. string Allowed values:
C_CM+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
C_CM+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
C_CM+C_CRC+C_T_RET_DSG Design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 40 °C
C_CM+C_CRC+C_T_SUP_DSG Design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 60 °C
C_CM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
C_CM+C_CRC+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for the water side. float 5 K
C_CM+NOM_POW Nominal cooling power Cooling power at design conditions. float 2000 W
C_CM+NOM_VF_AIR Nominal volume flow - ventilation side Air volume flow at design conditions. float 10 m3/h
C_CM+NOM_VF Nominal volume flow - water side Water volume flow at design conditions. float 2 l/min
C_CM+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
C_CM+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
C_CM+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
C_CM+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
C_CM+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
C_CM+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the valve control signal. float 10 %
C_CM+VAL_THR Valve threshold For specific analysis functions it's important to know above what valve position the feeding pump should start to operate. This is currently only used for 3-way valves. float 5 %
C_CM+VAL_TYP Valve type For specific analysis functions it's important to know what kind of valve is used to regulate the outlet temperature. If required you can choose between a 2-way valve and a 3-way valve with this attribute. string Allowed values:
"2-way valve";
"3-way valve"
C_CM+U_VF Volume flow unit - water side Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Air handling unit

The Air handling unit component model represents typical air handling units from ventilation systems to full air conditioning including heat recovery and recirculation. Compose the air handling unit to the needs of the specific project by mapping the regarding pins of this component model from supply fan, exhaust fan, heat recovery system, air heater, air cooler, air re-heater, supply humidifier, exhaust humidifier, and recirculation damper. The alphanumeric ID for the component Air handling unit is AHU.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
AHU+AED_CTRL_ACT AI controls active The operational state of an aedifion .controls app binary
AHU+C_CM+MSG_OPR Air cooler - operating message Informs about operational state of air cooler:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+C_CM+C_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Air cooler - pump operating message Operational state of the air cooler pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+C_CM+C_CRC+VAL_POS_SP Air cooler - valve control signal Control signal of the air cooler valve:
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
AHU+C_CM+C_CRC+VAL_POS Air cooler - valve position Actual position of air cooler valve opening:
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
AHU+H_CM+MSG_OPR Air heater - operating message Informs about operational state of air heater:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+H_CM+H_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Air heater - pump operating message Operational state of the air heater pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+H_CM+H_CRC+VAL_POS_SP Air heater - valve control signal Control signal of the air heater valve:
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
AHU+H_CM+H_CRC+VAL_POS Air heater - valve position Actual position of air heater valve opening:
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
AHU+H_CM.RE+MSG_OPR Air re-heater - operating message Informs about operational state of air re-heater:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+H_CM.RE+H_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Air re-heater - pump operating message Operational state of the air re-heater pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+H_CM.RE+H_CRC+VAL_POS_SP Air re-heater - valve control signal Control signal of the air re-heater valve:
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
AHU+H_CM.RE+H_CRC+VAL_POS Air re-heater - valve position Actual position of air re-heater valve opening:
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
AHU+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred:
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
AHU+EHA_T_AIR Exhaust air temperature Temperature of the exhaust airflow °C
AHU+EXH_P_DIF Exhaust duct pressure Pressure difference between ambient pressure and pressure inside the exhaust duct Pa
AHU+EXH_P_DIF_SP Exhaust duct pressure setpoint Setpoint of the pressure difference between ambient pressure and pressure inside the exhaust duct Pa
AHU+HUM.EXH+MSG_OPR Exhaust humidifier - operating message Informs about operational state of exhaust humidifier:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+FIL+MSG_ALARM Filter - alarm message Boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
AHU+T_AIR_ODA_AHU Fresh air temperature Air temperature in the intake duct of the air handling unit °C
AHU+HRCS+MSG_OPR Heat recovery system - operating message Informs about operational state of heat recovery system:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+HRCS+UTIL_LEV Heat recovery system - utilization level Utilization level of the heat recovery system:
0 = not active
100 = fully active
AHU+HRCS+UTIL_LEV_SP Heat recovery system - utilization level setpoint Setpoint for the utilization level of the heat recovery system %
AHU+COM_SWI_MN Main switching command Switching command that is responsible for changing the operating mode of the component multi-state
AHU+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of air handling unit:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+HUM_REL_AIR_ODA Outside air relative humidity Relative humidity of the inlet airflow. Typically the relative humidity of the outside air %
AHU+T_AIR_ODA Outside air temperature (weather station) Temperature of the outside air. Typically the temperature of a weather station. °C
AHU+DAMP_RCA+POS_SP Recirculation damper - control signal Setpoint for the position of the recirculation damper %
AHU+DAMP_RCA+POS Recirculation damper - position Position of the recirculation damper:
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
AHU+FAN.EXH+POW_EL Return air fan - electrical power Electrical power of the exhaust fan kW
AHU+FAN.EXH+MSG_OPR Return air fan - operating message Informs about operational state of exhaust fan:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+FAN.EXH+P_DIF Return air fan - pressure difference Pressure difference over the exhaust fan Pa
AHU+FAN.EXH+P_DIF_SP Return air fan - pressure difference setpoint Setpoint of the pressure difference over the exhaust fan Pa
AHU+FAN.EXH+SPE Return air fan - speed Current fan speed in relation to the nominal speed of the exhaust fan %
AHU+FAN.EXH+VF Return air fan - volume flow Volume flow through the exhaust duct, generated by the exhaust fan m3/h
AHU+EXH_T_AIR Return air temperature Temperature of the extract airflow °C
AHU+EXH_T_AIR_SP Return air temperature setpoint Control signal for temperature of the extract airflow °C
AHU+ETA_T_AIR_SP_MAX Return air temperature setpoint maximum Setpoint for the maximum temperature of the extract airflow °C
AHU+ETA_T_AIR_SP_MIN Return air temperature setpoint minimum Setpoint for the minimum temperature of the extract airflow °C
AHU+FAN.SUP+POW_EL Supply air fan - electrical power Electrical power of the supply fan kW
AHU+FAN.SUP+MSG_OPR Supply air fan - operating message Informs about operational state of supply fan:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+FAN.SUP+P_DIF Supply air fan - pressure difference Pressure difference over the supply fan Pa
AHU+FAN.SUP+P_DIF_SP Supply air fan - pressure difference setpoint Setpoint of the pressure difference over the supply fan Pa
AHU+FAN.SUP+SPE Supply air fan - speed Current fan speed in relation to the nominal speed of the supply fan %
AHU+FAN.SUP+VF Supply air fan - volume flow Volume flow through the supply duct, generated by the supply fan m3/h
AHU+SUP_HUM_REL_AIR Supply air relative humidity Relative humidity of the supply airflow %
AHU+SUP_T_AIR Supply air temperature Temperature of the supply airflow °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_AF_HRCS Supply air temperature after heat recovery system Air temperature in the supply duct downstream after the heat recovery system °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_SP Supply air temperature setpoint Setpoint for temperature of the supply airflow °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_SP_MAX Supply air temperature setpoint maximum Setpoint for the maximum temperature of the supply airflow °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_SP_MIN Supply air temperature setpoint minimum Setpoint for the minimum temperature of the supply airflow °C
AHU+SUP_P_DIF Supply duct pressure Pressure difference between ambient pressure and pressure inside the supply duct Pa
AHU+SUP_P_DIF_SP Supply duct pressure setpoint Setpoint of the pressure difference between ambient pressure and pressure inside the supply duct Pa
AHU+HUM.SUP+MSG_OPR Supply humidifier - operating message Informs about operational state of supply humidifier:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU+EN_C Total cooling energy The aggregated thermal cooling energy consumed by the AHU kWh
AHU+POW_C Total cooling power The aggregated thermal cooling power used by the AHU kW
AHU+EN_EL_ACT Total electrical energy The aggregated electrical energy consumed by the AHU kWh
AHU+POW_EL Total electrical power The aggregated electrical power used by the AHU kWh
AHU+EN_H Total heating energy The aggregated thermal heating energy consumed by the AHU kWh
AHU+POW_H Total heating power The aggregated thermal heating power used by the AHU kW
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
AHU+C_CM_DSG_HRCS Air cooler - design with heat recovery system Leave empty for automatic determination. "True" if the nominal power of the air cooler was documented including the nominal power of the heat recovery system, "False" if the nominal power is only the nominal power of the air cooler. string True -
AHU+C_CM+NOM_POW Air cooler - nominal thermal power Nominal cooling power of the air cooler float 200 kW
AHU+C_CM+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Air cooler - valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the air cooler valve control signal float 10 %
AHU+H_CM_DSG_HRCS Air heater - design with heat recovery system Leave empty for automatic determination. "True" if the nominal power of the air heater was documented including the nominal power of the heat recovery system, "False" if the nominal power is only the nominal power of the air heater. string True -
AHU+H_CM+NOM_POW Air heater - nominal thermal power Nominal heating power of the air heater float 300 kW
AHU+H_CM+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Air heater - valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the air heater valve control signal float 10 %
AHU+H_CM.RE+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Air re-heater - valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the air re-heater valve control signal float 10 %
AHU+CO2_EMIS_F_C CO2 emission factor cold CO2 emission factor for cold energy float 0.3 kg/kWh
AHU+CO2_EMIS_F_EL CO2 emission factor electricity CO2 emission factor for electric energy float 0.56 kg/kWh
AHU+CO2_EMIS_F_H CO2 emission factor heat CO2 emission factor for heat energy float 0.14 kg/kWh
AHU+PRIC_EN_C Cold price Price of cold energy float 0.1 €/kWh
AHU+T_AIR_ODA_DSG_C Design outside air temperature for cooling Outside air temperature used for sizing the cooling modules of the AHU float 33 °C
AHU+T_AIR_ODA_DSG_H Design outside air temperature for heating Outside air temperature used for sizing the heating modules of the AH float -14 °C
AHU+PRIC_EL Electricity price Price of electric energy float 0.25 €/kWh
AHU+F_DSG_C Empirical design factor cold Empirical factor for cooling power as a factor of electrical power float 0.5 -
AHU+F_DSG_H Empirical design factor heat Empirical factor for heating power as a factor of electrical power float 2.0 -
AHU+EXH_T_AIR_SP_DEV_TOL Exhaust air temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual extract air temperature from setpoint float 1.5 °C
AHU+EXH_T_AIR_SU Exhaust temperature summer case Typical temperature of exhaust air in summer float 25 °C
AHU+EXH_T_AIR_WI Exhaust temperature winter case Typical temperature of exhaust air in winter float 22 °C
AHU+PRIC_EN_H Heat price Price of heat energy float 0.14 €/kWh
AHU+HRCS+UTIL_LEV_SP_DEV_TOL Heat recovery system - utilization level setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the utilization level of the heat recovery system float 3 %
AHU+HRCS_ACT_C Heat recovery system active during cooling "True" if the heat recovery system is active during cooling (Summer), "False" if it is not active during cooling. Default: False string False -
AHU+HRCS_ACT_H Heat recovery system active during heating "True" if the heat recovery system is active during heating (Winter), "False" if it is not active during heating. Default: True string True -
AHU+HRCS+EF Heat recovery system efficiency Typical efficiency of the heat recovery system float 0.8 -
AHU+HRCS_LEA Heat recovery system leakage Overwrites the percentage of leakage between supply and exhaust air flows. Set according to the data sheet. float 75 %
AHU+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
AHU+COM_SWI_MN_OFF Main switching command - off Value which describes the "off mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 0 -
AHU+COM_SWI_MN_ON Main switching command - on Value which describes the "on mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 1 -
AHU+T_AIR_ODA_LIM_C Outside air temperature limit for cooling Outside air temperature limit above which the AHU will cool. float 22 °C
AHU+T_AIR_ODA_LIM_H Outside air temperature limit for heating Outside air temperature limit below which the AHU will heat. float 15 °C
AHU+P_DIF_SP_DEV_TOL Pressure difference setpoint deviation tolerance Tolarance for the pressure setpoints float 20 Pa
AHU+DAMP_RCA+POS_SP_DEV_TOL Recirculation damper - position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolarance for the position of the recirculation damper float 3 %
AHU+FAN.EXH+SPE_DFLT Return air fan - Default speed Default fan speed used when speed pin is not connected. Range: 0-100% float 90 %
AHU+FAN.EXH+SPE_STD_THLD Return air fan - fan speed standard deviation threshold Overwrites the default standard deviation threshold for the yellow limit float 0.5 -
AHU+FAN.EXH+POW_NOM_CONSUM Return air fan - nominal power Nominal electrical power of the exhaust fan float 40 kW
AHU+FAN.EXH+NOM_VF Return air fan - nominal volume flow Nominal volume flow of exhaust fan float 10000 m3/h
AHU+FAN.EXH+SPFI_POW_FAN Return air fan - specific fan power Quantifies the energy-efficiency of exhaust fan float 2000 Ws/m3
AHU+ROOM_T_AIR_C Room temperature during cooling Typical room temperature during cooling (Summer) float 20 °C
AHU+ROOM_T_AIR_H Room temperature during heating Typical room temperature during heating (Winter) float 20 °C
AHU+SHD Schedule Weekly schedule of the AHU JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
AHU+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
AHU+FAN.SUP+SPE_DFLT Supply air fan - Default speed Default fan speed used when speed pin is not connected. Range: 0-100% float 90 %
AHU+FAN.SUP+SPE_STD_THLD Supply air fan - fan speed standard deviation threshold Supply fan - fan speed standard deviation threshold Overwrites the default standard deviation threshold for the yellow limit float 0.5
AHU+FAN.SUP+POW_NOM_CONSUM Supply air fan - nominal power Nominal electrical power of the supply fan float 40 kW
AHU+FAN.SUP+NOM_VF Supply air fan - nominal volume flow Nominal volume flow of supply fan float 10000 m3/h
AHU+FAN.SUP+SPFI_POW_FAN Supply air fan - specific fan power Quantifies the energy-efficiency of the supply fan float 2000 Ws/m3
AHU+FAN.SUP+T_DIF Supply air fan temperature increase Estimated increase in temperature of the supply air due to the supply fan float 1 °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_SP_DEV_TOL Supply air temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual supply air temperature from setpoint float 1.5 °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_SP_MAX Supply air temperature setpoint maximum Upper limit of the supply air temperature setpoint float 25 °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_SP_MIN Supply air temperature setpoint minimum Lower limit of the supply air temperature setpoint float 19 °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_SU Supply temperature summer case Typical temperature of supply air in summer float 23 °C
AHU+SUP_T_AIR_WI Supply temperature winter case Typical temperature of supply air in winter float 20 °C
AHU+T_EF_SIG_COLO_R Temperature efficiency red limit Overwrites the red limit for the temperature efficiency analysis. Adjust according to the data sheet. float 30 %
AHU+T_EF_SIG_COLO_Y Temperature efficiency yellow limit Overwrites the yellow limit for the temperature efficiency analysis. Adjust according to the data sheet. float 70 %

Air heater

The Air heater component represents generic air heaters that use water as the heating medium. The alphanumeric ID for the component Air heater is H_CM.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
H_CM+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
H_CM+H_CRC+EN_H Heating energy - water side Measured heating energy of the heating circuit default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
H_CM+H_CRC+POW_H Heating power - water side Measured heating power of the heating circuit default: kW use component attribute to adjust
H_CM+T_AIR_IN Inlet air temperature Temperature of the air entering the air heater °C
H_CM+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
H_CM+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
H_CM+T_AIR_OUT Outlet air temperature Temperature of the air exiting the air heater °C
H_CM+H_CRC+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
H_CM+H_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
H_CM+H_CRC+T_OUT Return temperature - water side Temperature of the fluid exiting the heating circuit of the air heater °C
H_CM+H_CRC+T_IN Supply temperature - water side Temperature of the fluid entering the heating circuit of the air heater °C
H_CM+H_CRC+VAL_POS_SP Valve control signal Control signal of the valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
H_CM+H_CRC+VAL_POS Valve position Actual position of valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
H_CM+VF_AIR Volume flow - ventilation side Volume flow through the ventilation duct m3/h
H_CM+H_CRC+VF Volume flow - water side Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
H_CM+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
H_CM+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
H_CM+H_CRC+H_T_RET_DSG Design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 40 °C
H_CM+H_CRC+H_T_SUP_DSG Design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 60 °C
H_CM+U_EN_H Heating energy unit - water side Allows to adapt the unit of the heating energy pin. string Allowed values:
H_CM+U_POW_H Heating power unit - water side Allows to adapt the unit of the heating power pin. string Allowed values:
H_CM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
H_CM+H_CRC+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for the water side. float 5 K
H_CM+NOM_POW Nominal heating power Heating power at design conditions. float 3000 W
H_CM+NOM_VF_AIR Nominal volume flow - ventilation side Volume flow at design conditions. float 20 m3/h
H_CM+NOM_VF Nominal volume flow - water side Water volume flow at design conditions. float 2 l/min
H_CM+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
H_CM+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
H_CM+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
H_CM+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
H_CM+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
H_CM+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the valve control signal. float 10 %
H_CM+VAL_THR Valve threshold For specific analysis functions it's important to know above what valve position the feeding pump should start to operate. This is currently only used for 3-way valves. float 5 %
H_CM+VAL_TYP Valve type For specific analysis functions it's important to know what kind of valve is used to regulate the outlet temperature. If required you can choose between a 2-way valve and a 3-way valve with this attribute. string Allowed values:
"2-way valve";
"3-way valve"
H_CM+U_VF Volume flow unit - water side Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:


The Boiler is the component model of the heat conversion plant boiler including subcategories of boilers like condensing boilers. The alphanumeric ID for the component Boiler is BOI.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
BOI+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
BOI+EN_H Heating energy Measured heating energy delivered by boiler to heating loop default: MWh
BOI+POW_H Heating power Measured heating power delivered by boiler to heating loop default: kW
BOI+COM_SWI_MN Main switching command Writable datapoint that turns the system on and off gracefully multi-state
BOI+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
BOI+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outdoor air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
BOI+T_AIR_ODA_OVR Outdoor air temperature overwrite Overwrite input for the outside air temperature °C
BOI+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
BOI+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
BOI+RATE_FUEL_CONSUM Rate of fuel consumption Measured fuel consumption of the device default: kW
BOI+T_IN Return temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the component. °C
BOI+T_OUT Supply temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. °C
BOI+T_OUT_SP Supply temperature setpoint Setpoint temperature of heat carrier fluid ( water) exiting the component. °C
BOI+VF Volume flow Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
BOI+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
BOI+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
BOI+H_T_RET_DSG Design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 40 °C
BOI+H_T_SUP_DSG Design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 60 °C
BOI+EF Efficiency Averaged efficiencny of the energy conversion from fuel energy to thermal energy. The efficiency can be a manufacturer's information, based on own calculations or measurements or it could be a rough estimation of the efficiency. float 0.915 -
BOI+PRIC_FUEL Fuel price Price of the used fuel. float 0.06 €/kWh
BOI+CC_BP Heating curve - base points Defines the base points for the piecewise linear heating curve, as values seperated by comma, pairs seperated by semicolon string -12,70;20,40 °C
BOI+NIG_REDU Heating curve - night time reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the calculated set point from the heating curve float 10 °C
BOI+U_EN_H Heating energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating energy pin. string Allowed values:
BOI+U_POW_H Heating power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating power pin. string Allowed values:
BOI+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
BOI+COM_SWI_MN_OFF Main switching command - off Value which describes the "off mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 0 -
BOI+COM_SWI_MN_ON Main switching command - on Value which describes the "on mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 1 -
BOI+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread. float 5 K
BOI+H_NOM_PROD Nominal heat production Nominal heat production of the device. float 1200.0 kW
BOI+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
BOI+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
BOI+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
BOI+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
BOI+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
BOI+PRIC_STUP Start-up costs The power specific costs of one start-up. float 0.01 €/kW
BOI+T_SP_DEV_TOL Temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
BOI+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:


The Building is a component model for a complete project. It's the base for our asset and facility cockpits, as well as the connected analysis functions. The alphanumeric ID for the component Building is B.

No pins available.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
B+AHU Air handling units Information regarding the air handling units. string 2 AHUs units without humidification
B+ASSET_MANAGER Asset manager Name of the asset manager. string John Smith
B+ASSET_OWNER Asset owner Name of the asset owner. string John Smith
B+CERTS_BREEAM BREEAM BREEAM certification. string excellent Allowed values:
very good;
B+BA_BRAND Building automation brand Name of the building automation brand. string My automation brand
B+BA_CNSTR Building automation constructor Name of the building automation constructor. string My respectable BA constructor
B+BA_PROT Building automation protocol Name of the building automation protocol. string BACnet
B+CERTS Building certifications âš  Please use specific building certificate attributes, e.g., "LEED" instead. json {"DGNB":
{"grade": {"de": "Gold", "en": "Gold"}},
{"grade": {"de": "Platinum", "en": "Platinum"}}}
B+BMS_BRAND Building management system brand Name of the building management system brand. string My fancy building management
B+CO2_EMIS_F_C CO2 emission factor cold CO2 emission factor for thermal energy "cold". float 0.3 kg CO2/kWh
B+CO2_EMIS_F_EL CO2 emission factor electricity CO2 emission factor for thermal energy "electricity". float 0.4 kg CO2/kWh
B+CO2_EMIS_F_H CO2 emission factor heat CO2 emission factor for thermal energy "heat". float 0.25 kg CO2/kWh
B+CO2E+SIG_COLO_R CO2 emissions limit red Overwrite the red limit for the CO2 emissions KPI for this building. float 8.5 kg/m2/M
B+CO2E+SIG_COLO_Y CO2 emissions limit yellow Overwrite the yellow limit for the CO2 emissions KPI for this building. float 7.0 kg/m2/M
B_PRIC_CO2 CO2 price Set the default price for CO2 of this building. float 7.0 €/kg
B_COUNT_CAR_MAX Car park capacity Maximum number of cars the car park can accommodate. float 200
B+PRIC_EN_C Cold price Set the default price for thermal energy "cold" of this building. float 0.2 €/kWh
B+T_C_LIM Cooling limit temperature Set the temperature limit of the analysis period at which cooling is considered for savings calculations. float 21 °C
B+CS Cooling system Information regarding the cooling system. string 1 compression chiller and 3 cooling circuits
B+CERTS_DGNB DGNB DGNB certification. string gold Allowed values:
B+CERTS_ECORE Ecore Ecore certification which is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 100. float 75
B_EFZ Efficiency zones Benchmarks for evaluating efficiency criteria of buildings on a color scale. json {"benchmark_electricity_consumption": {"green": [0, 120], "red": [160, 200]}, "benchmark_heat_consumption": {"green": [0, 40], "red": [70, 120]}, "benchmark_co2_emissions": {"green": [0, 40], "red": [70, 100]}, "benchmark_water_consumption": {"green": [0, 180], "red": [250, 350]}, "benchmark_energy_generation": {"green": [0, 150], "red": [0.0, 50.0]}}
B+PRIC_EL Electricity price Set the default price for electricity of this building. float 0.2 €/kWh
B+EN_CONSUM+SIG_COLO_R Energy consumption limit red Overwrite the red limit for the energy consumption KPI for this building. float 8.33 kWh/m2/M
B+EN_CONSUM+SIG_COLO_Y Energy consumption limit yellow Overwrite the yellow limit for the energy consumption KPI for this building. float 10.83 kWh/m2/M
B+EC+SIG_COLO_R Energy cost limit red Overwrite the red limit for the energy cost KPI for this building. float 1.0 €/m2/M
B+EC+SIG_COLO_Y Energy cost limit yellow Overwrite the red limit for the energy cost KPI for this building. float 0.7 €/m2/M
B+CERTS_ESTAR EnergyStar EnergyStar certification which is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 100. float 75
B_EVS Events Define the most important alarming events in a building. Alarms can be linked to an event by "category", while "activate":True indicates at least one linked alarm. The key "icon" allows to individualize frontend-sided rendering of the event. json [{"name": {"en": "FIRE DAMPERS", "de": "BRANDSCHUTZKLAPPEN"}, "category": "BSK", "icon": "fal fa-fire", "active": true}, {"name": {"en": "ELEVATOR", "de": "AUFZUG"}, "category": "availability", "icon": "far fa-sort-circle", "active": true}]
B+FACILITY_MANAGER Facility manager Name of the facility manager. string John Smith
B+CERTS_GRESB GRESB GRESB certification which is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 100. float 75
B+GOA Goals Set SMART goals to optimize your building!

"period": Make it time-bound.
"names": Formulate your goal specific, achievable, and relevant.
"bar_chart": Make it measurable and track it.
json {"period": {"de": "Im Jahr 2022", "en": "Within year 2022"}, "goals": [{"names": {"de": "CO2 Reduktion um 20%", "en": "Reduce CO2 by 20%"}, "bar_chart": {"min": 0.0, "act": 20.0, "max": 20.0}},
{"names": {"de": "Identifiziere Maßnahmen für 25% Energieeinsparungen", "en": "Identify measures for 25% energy savings"}, "bar_chart": {"min": 0.0, "act": 23.0, "max": 25.0}}]}
B+PRIC_EN_H Heat price Set the default price for heat of this building. float 0.2 €/kWh
B+T_H_LIM Heating limit temperature upper limit Temperature limit where the heating system is not active float 20 °C
B+HS Heating system Information regarding the heating system. string 1 boiler, 1 heat pump and four heating circuits
B+ICT ICT contact person Name of the ICT contact person. string John Smith
B+HS+CO2_EMIS_F_DSG Investment - CO2 emission factor current energy system CO2 emissions per energy unit for current heating system float 0.2 kg/kWh
B+HP+CO2_EMIS_F_INST_DSG Investment - CO2 emission factor new energy system CO2 emissions per energy unit for new heating system float 0.2 kg/kWh
B+CO2_EMIS_PRIC_DSG Investment - CO2 emission price CO2 emission price for new heating system float 0.2 €/t CO2
B+CO2_EMIS_PRIC_RATE_DSG Investment - CO2 emission price change rate CO2 emission change rate for new heating system float 1 %/year
B+HP+TYPE_DSG Investment - Heat pump type Distinguished in Water/Water and Air/Water string remeha_aw_168, vaillant_arotherm_plus, viessmann_vitocal_300_g
B+HS+DEP_DUR_DSG Investment - depreciation period new energy system Depreciation period of the new energy system. float 10 years
B+HS+T_SUP_DSG Investment - design temperature heating system Design supply temperature of the heating system (usually maximum supply temperature) float 60 °C
B+HS+EF_DSG Investment - efficiency current heat source Efficiency of the current heat source float 90 %
B+HP+PRIC_EL_RATE_DSG Investment - electricity price change rate heat pump Change rate of the electricity price for the new energy system. float 1 %/a
B+HP+PRIC_EL_DSG Investment - electricity price heat pump Energy price new heating system float 0.25 €/kWh
B+INR_DSG Investment - interest rate Calculation interest rate to discount the annual cash flow float 12 %
B+HS+PRIC_H_RATE_DSG Investment - specific energy price change rate current heat source Change rate of the electricity price for the current energy system float 1 %
B+HS+PRIC_H_DSG Investment - specific energy price current heating system Current energy price float 0.25 €/kWh
B+HP+PRIC_INST_DSG Investment - specific installation price new energy system Specific installation price for the heat pump float 1000 €/kW
B+HS+USA_DUR_DSG Investment - usage period new energy system Depreciation period to consider the tax effect float 10 a
B+CERTS_LEED LEED LEED certification. string gold Allowed values:
B+LINK Link Link Hyperlink to external resources string
B+LOC Location of building Location or address of the building. string Hohenzollernring 72, 50672 Köln
B+POW_H_LIM_LOW Lower limit total heat power Heat power cutoff float 2 kW
B_GFA_AV Mean gross floor area The mean area of each floor. float 270 m2
B+M Meters Information regarding the meters. string 4 heat meters and 6 electricity meters
B+NFA Net floor area The net floor area of the building. float 14834 m2
B+DP_COUNT Number of datapoints Number of datapoints in the project. float 13000
B_COUNT_PEO_MAX Occupancy capacity Total number of people the building can accommodate. float 580
B+ROOM_T_AIR_OPT Optimum room temperature Overwrite optimum room temperature of the analysis period for savings calculation. float 20 °C
B+PROP_MANA Property management Property management company or person. string Property management inc.
B+REFE_T_C_LIM Reference cooling limit temperature Set the temperature limit of the reference period at which cooling is considered for savings calculations. float 21 °C
B+REFE_T_H_LIM Reference heating limit temperature Set the temperature limit of the reference period at which heating is considered for savings calculations. float 15 °C
B+REFE_ROOM_T_AIR_OPT Reference optimum room temperature Overwrite optimum room temperature of the reference period for savings calculation. float 22 °C
B+REFE_STOP Reference period end End of the reference period to calculate model string 2022-01-01
B+REFE_STRT Reference period start Start of the reference period to calculate model string 2023-01-01
B+REFE_ROOM_T_AIR Reference room temperature Overwrite the room temperature of the reference period for savings calculation. float 24 °C
B+REFE_EN_H_SPFI_AR_CONSUM Reference specific heat consumption Overwrite specific heat consumption for the savings calculation. float 60 kWh/m2
B+ROOM_T_AIR Room temperature Overwrite the room temperature of the analysis period for savings calculation. float 20 °C
B_TAR_CO2_EMI Targeted CO2 emissions Value of desired total CO2 emissions float 54000.0 kg
B_TAR_EN_EL_CONSUM_MAX Targeted electricity consumption max Maximum of the desired electricity consumption float 60.0 MWh
B_TAR_EN_EL_GEN_MAX Targeted energy generation max Maximum of the desired electricity generation float 30.0 MWh
B_TAR_EN_H_CONSUM_MAX Targeted heat consumption max Maximum of the desired heat consumption float 120.0 MWh
B_TAR_WS_FRESH_CONSUM Targeted water consumption Value of the desired total water consumption float 80000.0 l
B+POW_H_BASE_LOA Thermal base load Power consumption independent of heat demand float 10 kW
B+TYP Type The usage type of building. string office Allowed values:
B+CERTS_WSCORE WiredScore WiredScore certification. string gold Allowed values:
B+BUILD_YEAR Year of construction Year of building construction. float 1984
B+RENOV_YEAR Year of the last renovation Year of the last renovation of the building. string 1984

Cold Meter

The Cold meter component data model represents a heat meter that will count cooling energy. It can be physically present in the energy system or virtually on the aedifion platform. The alphanumeric ID for the component Cold meter is CM.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
CM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. kg CO2/kWh
CM+PRIC_EN Cold price Specific price for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. €/kWh
CM+EN_C Cooling energy Measured cooling energy kWh
CM+POW_C Cooling power Measured cooling power kW
CM+T_OUT Return temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the cold meter °C
CM+T_IN Supply temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the cold meter °C
CM+VF Volume flow Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
CM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.3 kg CO2/kWh
CM+PRIC_EN Cold price Specific price for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.2 €/kWh
CM+U_EN_C Cooling energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling energy pin. string Allowed values:
CM+U_POW_C Cooling power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling power pin. string Allowed values:
CM+CALC_COST Cost measurement device Indicator if this component is used in the asset cockpit analysis for energy cost and CO2 emissions string False
CM+DATA_SRC Data source Define how the data for pins of this component was written into the database. string Allowed values:
CM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
CM+M_NUM Meter number Meter number used for billing and identification purposes. string 1-EMH-000039123456
CM+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Combined heat and power

The Combined heat and power component data model represents various kinds of combined heat and power generation. The alphanumeric ID for the component Combined heat and power is CHP.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
CHP+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
CHP+GEN+POW_EL Generator power Measured electricity output of the device kW
CHP+EN_H Heating energy Measured heating energy delivered by CHP to heating loop MWh
CHP+POW_H Heating power Measured heating power delivered by CHP to heating loop kW
CHP+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
CHP+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outdoor air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
CHP+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
CHP+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
CHP+RATE_FUEL_CONSUM Rate of fuel consumption Rate of fuel consumption of the device kW
CHP+T_IN Return temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the component. °C
CHP+T_OUT Supply temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. °C
CHP+T_OUT_SP Supply temperature setpoint Setpoint temperature for heat carrier fluid ( water) exiting the component. °C
CHP+VF Volume flow Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
CHP+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
CHP+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
CHP+H_T_RET_DSG Design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 40 °C
CHP+H_T_SUP_DSG Design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 60 °C
CHP+PRIC_EL Electricity price Price of the used electricity in the CHP. float 0.18 €/kWh
CHP+PRIC_FUEL Fuel price Price of the used fuel in the CHP. float 0.06 €/kWh
CHP+FUEL_UTIL_F Fuel utiltzation factor Overall efficiency of the CHP. It is considered to be the sum of thermal and electrical efficiency. The fuel utilization factor can be a manufacturer's information, based on own calculations or measurements or it could be a rough estimation of the fuel utilization factor. float 0.85 -
CHP+GEN+POW_NOM Generator nominal power Nominal power output of the generator from CHP. float 800 kW
CHP+PRIC_H_EN Heat price Price of the used heat in the CHP. float €/kWh 0,08
CHP+CC_BP Heating curve - base points Defines the base points for the piecewise linear heating curve, as values seperated by comma, pairs seperated by semicolon string -12,70;20,40 °C
CHP+NIG_REDU Heating curve - night time reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the calculated set point from the heating curve float 10 °C
CHP+U_EN_H Heating energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating energy pin. string Allowed values:
CHP+U_POW_H Heating power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating power pin. string Allowed values:
CHP+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
CHP+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread. float 5 K
CHP+H_NOM_PROD Nominal heat production Nominal heat production of the device. float 1 kW
CHP+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Unit: minutes. Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
CHP+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
CHP+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
CHP+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
CHP+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Unit: minutes. Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
CHP+PRIC_STUP Start-up costs The power specific costs of one start-up. float 0.02 €/kW
CHP+T_SP_DEV_TOL Temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
CHP+TH_EF Thermal efficiency Efficiency of the device for turning fuel energy into thermal energy. The thermal efficiency can be a manufacturer's information, based on own calculations or measurements or it could be a rough estimation of the thermal efficiency. float 0.45 -
CHP+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Compression chiller

The Compression chiller component represents a generic compression chiller with an electric compression unit. A customer can use the evaporator side for cooling. Excess heat is dissipated on the condenser side of the system. The alphanumeric ID for the component Compression chiller is CH_COMP.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
CH_COMP+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
CH_COMP+EVAP+EN_C Cooling energy - evaporator Measured cooling energy taken from heat source loop. MWh
CH_COMP+EVAP+POW_C Cooling power - evaporator Measured cooling power taken from heat source loop. kW
CH_COMP+POW_EL Electrical power Measured electrical power consumed by the device. kW
CH_COMP+COND+T_IN Inlet temperature - condenser Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the component. Condenser side. °C
CH_COMP+EVAP+T_IN Inlet temperature - evaporator Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the component. Evaporator side. °C
CH_COMP+OPR_TIM Operating hours Total hours of operation h
CH_COMP+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
CH_COMP+COND+PU+MSG_OPR Operating message pump - condenser Informs about operational state of the condenser pump
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
CH_COMP+EVAP+PU+MSG_OPR Operating message pump - evaporator Informs about operational state of the evaporator pump
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
CH_COMP+OPR_COUNT Operating starts Total number of starts -
CH_COMP+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outdoor air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site
CH_COMP+COND+T_OUT Outlet temperature - condenser Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Condenser side. °C
CH_COMP+EVAP+T_OUT Outlet temperature - evaporator Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Evaporator side °C
CH_COMP+COND+T_OUT_SP Outlet temperature setpoint - condenser Setpoint temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Condenser side. °C
CH_COMP+EVAP+T_OUT_SP Outlet temperature setpoint - evaporator Setpoint temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Evaporator side °C
CH_COMP+COND+PU+CTRL Pump control - condenser Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
CH_COMP+EVAP+PU+CTRL Pump control - evaporator Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
CH_COMP+EVAP+VF Volume flow - evaporator Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water). Evaporator side. default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
CH_COMP+COP Coefficient of performance The coefficient of performance (cop) describes the efficiency of the compression chiller. The cop can be a manufacturer's information, based on own calculations or measurements or it could be a rough estimation of the efficiency. float 4.5 -
CH_COMP+COND+H_T_RET_DSG Condenser - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the condenser at maximum load. float 40 °C
CH_COMP+COND+H_T_SUP_DSG Condenser - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the evaporator at maximum load. float 60 °C
CH_COMP+COND+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Condenser - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for the condenser. float 5 K
CH_COMP+U_EN_C Cooling energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling energy pin. string Allowed values:
CH_COMP+U_POW_C Cooling power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling power pin. string Allowed values:
CH_COMP+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
CH_COMP+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
CH_COMP+PRIC_EL Electricity price Price for used electricity. float 0.18 €/kWh
CH_COMP+EVAP+C_T_RET_DSG Evaporator - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the evaporator at maximum load. float 5 °C
CH_COMP+EVAP+C_T_SUP_DSG Evaporator - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the evaporator at maximum load. float 10 °C
CH_COMP+EVAP+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Evaporator - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for the evaporator. float 5 K
CH_COMP+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
CH_COMP+C_NOM_PROD Nominal cooling production Nominal cooling production of the device. float 1200.0 kW
CH_COMP+COND+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Outlet temperature setpoint deviation tolerance - condenser Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. Condensor side. float 1.5 °C
CH_COMP+EVAP+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Outlet temperature setpoint deviation tolerance - evaporator Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. Evaporator side. float 1.5 °C
CH_COMP+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
CH_COMP+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
CH_COMP+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
CH_COMP+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
CH_COMP+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
CH_COMP+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Cooling circuit

The Cooling circuit component represents generic cooling circuits that can be found in buildings. The alphanumeric ID for the component Cooling circuit is C_CRC.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
C_CRC+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
C_CRC+T_SRC Cold water temperature Temperature of the water coming from the cold source °C
C_CRC+EN_C Cooling energy Measured cooling energy consumed by the cooling circuit default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
C_CRC+CTRL_SV_UP Cooling limit Cooling limit based on ambient temperature, if ambient temperature is below cooling limit the circuit turns off default: °C
C_CRC+POW_C Cooling power Measured cooling power consumed by the cooling circuit default: kW use component attribute to adjust
C_CRC+COM_SWI_MN Main switching command Writable datapoint that turns the system on and off gracefully multi-state
C_CRC+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
C_CRC+OPR_MOD Operation mode Operation mode of the system multi-state
C_CRC+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
C_CRC+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
C_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
C_CRC+T_OUT Return temperature Temperature of the fluid leaving the cooling circuit °C
C_CRC+T_IN Supply temperature Temperature of the fluid entering the cooling circuit °C
C_CRC+T_IN_SP Supply temperature setpoint Temperature setpoint of the fluid entering the cooling circuit °C
C_CRC+T_IN_SP_MAX Supply temperature setpoint maximum Setpoint for the maximum supply temperature °C
C_CRC+T_IN_SP_MIN Supply temperature setpoint minimum Setpoint for the minimum supply temperature °C
C_CRC+VAL_POS_SP Valve control signal Control signal of the valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
C_CRC+VAL_POS Valve position Actual position of valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
C_CRC+VF Volume flow Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
C_CRC+U_EN_C Cooling energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling energy pin. string Allowed values:
C_CRC+U_POW_C Cooling power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling power pin. string Allowed values:
C_CRC+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
C_CRC+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
C_CRC+C_T_RET_DSG Design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the water side at maximum load. float 40 °C
C_CRC+C_T_SUP_DSG Design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the water side at maximum load. float 60 °C
C_CRC+CP_BB Heating curve base points Defines the base points for the piecewise linear heating curve, as values seperated by comma, pairs seperated by semicolon string -12,70;20,40 °C
C_CRC+NIG_REDU Heating curve night reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the calculated set point from the heating curve float 10 °C
C_CRC+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
C_CRC+COM_SWI_MN_OFF Main switching command - off Value which describes the "off mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 0 -
C_CRC+COM_SWI_MN_ON Main switching command - on Value which describes the "on mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 1 -
C_CRC+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread. float 5 K
C_CRC+OPR_MOD_CMF Operation mode - comfort Value which describes the "comfort mode" of operation mode pin float 1 -
C_CRC+OPR_MOD_ECO Operation mode - economy Value which describes the "economy mode" of operation mode pin float 1 -
C_CRC+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
C_CRC+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
C_CRC+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
C_CRC+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
C_CRC+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
C_CRC+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Supply temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
C_CRC+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the valve control signal. float 10 %
C_CRC+VAL_THR Valve threshold For specific analysis functions it's important to know above what valve position the feeding pump should start to operate. This is currently only used for 3-way valves. float 5 %
C_CRC+VAL_TYP Valve type For specific analysis functions it's important to know what kind of valve is used to regulate the outlet temperature. If required you can choose between a 2-way valve and a 3-way valve with this attribute. string Allowed values:
"2-way valve";
"3-way valve"
C_CRC+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:
C_CRC+WASP.NIG_RAI WASP .controls algorithm - cooling limit nighttime raise The night raise that will be applied to the cooling limit float 10 °C

Electricity meter

The Electricity meter component model represents a common meter that measures active and reactive power of a system, as well as active and reactive energy. The alphanumeric ID for the component Electricity meter is ELM.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
ELM+EN_EL_ACT Active energy The part of total electric energy that is converted into work and heat. A typical electricity meter will record this energy. MWh
ELM+POW_EL_ACT Active power Electrical Power that is used for work. A typical electricity meter will record this as "electrical power". kW
ELM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. kg CO2/kWh
ELM+PRIC_EL Electricity price Specific price for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. €/kWh
ELM+EN_EL_REA Reactive energy Industry customers also have to pay for reactive energy. Reactive energy is recorded for large systems. MVarh
ELM+POW_EL_REA Reactive power The part of electrical power that is applied to compensate for high inductive loads. kVar
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
ELM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.3 kg CO2/kWh
ELM+CALC_COST Cost measurement device Indicator if this component is used in the asset cockpit analysis for energy cost and CO2 emissions string False
ELM+DATA_SRC Data source Define how the data for pins of this component was written into the database. string Allowed values:
ELM+PRIC_EL Electricity price Specific price for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.2 €/kWh
ELM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
ELM+M_NUM Meter number Meter number used for billing and identification purposes. string 1-EMH-000039123456


The Elevator component represents an elevator. The alphanumeric ID for the component Elevator is ELE.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
ELE+STAT_OPR Operational state Operational state according to documentation
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
ELE+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string


The Fan component data model represents various kinds of fans. The alphanumeric ID for the component Fan is FAN.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
FAN+AED_CTRL_ACT AI controls active The operational state of an aedifion .controls app binary
FAN+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
FAN+POW_EL Electrical power Measurement of electrical power kW
FAN+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
FAN+P_DIF Pressure difference Pressure difference over the fan Pa
FAN+P_DIF_SP Pressure difference setpoint Setpoint of the pressure difference over the fan Pa
FAN+SPE Speed Current fan speed in relation to the nominal speed of the fan %
FAN+VF Volume flow Volume flow generated by the fan m3/h
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
FAN+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
FAN+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
FAN+PRIC_EL Electricity price Price for used electricity. float 0.18 €/kWh
FAN+SPE_STD_THLD Fan speed standard deviation threshold Tolerance for deviation of speed from its setpoint. float 1.5 %
FAN+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
FAN+POW_NOM_CONSUM Nominal power consumption Nominal power consumption of the fan. float 800 kW
FAN+NOM_VF Nominal volume flow Estimate for the nominal volume flow of the fan float 15000 m3/h
FAN+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
FAN+P_DIF_SP_DEV_TOL Pressure difference setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual pressure difference from its setpoint. float 1.5 °C
FAN+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
FAN+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
FAN+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
FAN+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
FAN+SPFI_POW_FAN Specific fan power Quantifies the energy-efficiency of fan float 2000 Ws/m3


The Filter component data model represents various kinds of filters. The alphanumeric ID for the component Filter is AHU_FIL.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
AHU_FIL+FIL_CONTA Filter contamination The extent to which a filter is contaminated measured from 0% (uncontaminated) to 100% (fully contaminated). %
AHU_FIL+P_DIF Pressure difference Pressure difference over the filter. Pa
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
AHU_FIL+FIL_TYP Filter Type Filter type, also known as "filter class". string Allowed values:
AHU_FIL+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
AHU_FIL+P_DIF_FIN Pressure difference final Pressure difference when filter is fully contaminated. float 150 Pa
AHU_FIL+P_DIF_INIT Pressure difference initial Pressure differenc ewhen filter is uncontaminated float 50 Pa

Gas meter

The Gas meter component represents a device to counter a volume of gas. The alphanumeric ID for the component Gas meter is GASM.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
GASM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. kg CO2/kWh
GASM+PRIC_FUEL Fuel price Specific price for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. €/kWh
GASM+VOL Gas quantity Increasing volume counter for gas consumption m3
GASM+VF Volume flow Volume flow of gas m3/h
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
GASM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.3 kg CO2/kWh
GASM+CALO_VALU_GAS Calorific value of natural gas Calorific value of delivered natural gas at termination point. float 13 kWh / m3
GASM+CALC_COST Cost measurement device Indicator if this component is used in the asset cockpit analysis for energy cost and CO2 emissions string False
GASM+DATA_SRC Data source Define how the data for pins of this component was written into the database. string Allowed values:
GASM+PRIC_FUEL Fuel price Specific price for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.2 €/kWh
GASM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
GASM+M_NUM Meter number Meter number used for billing and identification purposes. string 1-EMH-000039123456
GASM+GAS_P_CMPS Pressure compensation factor of natural gas Factor used to compensate for elevation and line pressure at the termination point. float 1.0
GASM+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Heat meter

The Heat meter component data model represents a heat meter. It can be physically present in the energy system or virtually on the aedifion platform. The alphanumeric ID for the component Heat meter is HM.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
HM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. kg CO2/kWh
HM+PRIC_EN Heat price Specific price for the underlying energy. Alternative for the corresponding attribute. If the attribute is set the pin is not considered inside the analysis. €/kWh
HM+EN_H Heating energy Measured heating energy MWh
HM+POW_H Heating power Measured heating power kW
HM+T_OUT Return temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the heat meter °C
HM+T_IN Supply temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the heat meter °C
HM+VF Volume flow Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
HM+CO2_EMIS_F CO2 emission factor CO2 emission factor for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.3 kg CO2/kWh
HM+CALC_COST Cost measurement device Indicator if this component is used in the asset cockpit analysis for energy cost and CO2 emissions string False
HM+DATA_SRC Data source Define how the data for pins of this component was written into the database. string Allowed values:
HM+PRIC_EN Heat price Specific price for the underlying energy. If the attribute is set the corresponding pin is not considered inside the analysis. float 0.2 €/kWh
HM+U_EN_H Heating energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating energy pin. string Allowed values:
HM+U_POW_H Heating power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating power pin. string Allowed values:
HM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
HM+M_NUM Meter number Meter number used for billing and identification purposes. string 1-EMH-000039123456
HM+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Heat pump

The Heat pump component data model is representative of components that can raise the temperature level between two heat carrier loops (water/water) via thermal compression. The alphanumeric ID for the component Heat pump is HP.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
HP+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
HP+POW_EL Electrical power Measured electrical power consumed by the device. kW
HP+COND+EN_H Heating energy - condenser Measured heating energy taken from or delivered to the heating/recooling loop. MWh
HP+EVAP+EN_H Heating energy - evaporator Measured heat taken from cooling/heat source loop. MWh
HP+COND+POW_H Heating power - condenser Measured heating power taken from or delivered to the heating/recooling loop. kW
HP+EVAP+POW_H Heating power - evaporator Measured heat flow taken from cooling/heat source loop kW
HP+COND+T_IN Inlet temperature - condenser Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the component. Condenser side. °C
HP+EVAP+T_IN Inlet temperature - evaporator Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) entering the component. Evaporator side. °C
HP+COM_SWI_MN Main switching command Writable datapoint that turns the system on and off gracefully multi-state
HP+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
HP+COND+PU+MSG_OPR Operating message pump - condenser Informs about operational state of the condenser pump
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
HP+EVAP+PU+MSG_OPR Operating message pump - evaporator Informs about operational state of the evaporator pump
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
HP+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outdoor air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
HP+COND+T_OUT Outlet temperature - condenser Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Condenser side. °C
HP+EVAP+T_OUT Outlet temperature - evaporator Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Evaporator side °C
HP+COND+T_OUT_SP Outlet temperature setpoint - condenser Setpoint temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Condenser side. °C
HP+EVAP+T_OUT_SP Outlet temperature setpoint - evaporator Setpoint temperature of heat carrier fluid (water) exiting the component. Evaporator side °C
HP+COND+PU+CTRL Pump control - condenser Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
HP+EVAP+PU+CTRL Pump control - evaporator Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
HP+COND+VF Volume flow - condenser Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water). Condenser side. default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
HP+EVAP+VF Volume flow - evaporator Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water). Evaporator side. default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
HP+COP Coefficient of performance The coefficient of performance (cop) describes the efficiency of the heat pump. The cop can be a manufacturer's information, based on own calculations or measurements or it could be a rough estimation of the efficiency. float 4.5 -
HP+COND+C_T_RET_DSG Condenser cooling - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 10 °C
HP+COND+C_T_SUP_DSG Condenser cooling - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 16 °C
HP+COND+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Condenser cooling - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for the condenser when cooling. float 5 K
HP+COND+H_T_RET_DSG Condenser heating - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 40 °C
HP+COND+H_T_SUP_DSG Condenser heating - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 40 °C
HP+COND+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Condenser heating - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for condenser when heating. float 5 K
HP+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
HP+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
HP+PRIC_EL Electricity price Price for used electricity. float 0.18 €/kWh
HP+EVAP+C_T_RET_DSG Evaporator cooling - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 40 °C
HP+EVAP+C_T_SUP_DSG Evaporator cooling - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 60 °C
HP+EVAP+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Evaporator cooling - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for evaporator when cooling. float 5 K
HP+EVAP+H_T_RET_DSG Evaporator heating - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 10 °C
HP+EVAP+H_T_SUP_DSG Evaporator heating - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 16 °C
HP+EVAP+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Evaporator heating - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for evaporator when heating. float 5 K
HP+CC_BP Heating curve - base points Defines the base points for the piecewise linear heating curve, as values seperated by comma, pairs seperated by semicolon string -12,70;20,40 °C
HP+NIG_REDU Heating curve - night time reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the calculated set point from the heating curve float 10 °C
HP+U_EN_H Heating energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating energy pin. string Allowed values:
HP+U_POW_H Heating power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating power pin. string Allowed values:
HP+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
HP+COM_SWI_MN_OFF Main switching command - off Value which describes the "off mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 0 -
HP+COM_SWI_MN_ON Main switching command - on Value which describes the "on mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 1 -
HP+H_NOM_PROD Nominal heat production Nominal heat production of the device. float 1200.0 kW
HP+COND+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Outlet temperature setpoint deviation tolerance - condenser Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
HP+EVAP+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Outlet temperature setpoint deviation tolerance - evaporator Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
HP+OPR_MOD_DSG Overall operating mode Expected overall operating mode of component. string Allowed values:
HP+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
HP+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
HP+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
HP+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
HP+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
HP+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Heat transfer unit

The Heat transfer unit component represents the combination of heat exchangers, pumps and valves which allow heat to be transferred from a heating network to a building. The alphanumeric ID for the component Heat transfer unit is H_TRA_ST.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
H_TRA_ST+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+EN_H Heating energy - primary Measured heating energy of the heat transfer unit on the side of the heating network default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+POW_H Heating power - primary Measured heating power of the heat transfer unit on the side of the heating network default: kW use component attribute to adjust
H_TRA_ST+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
H_TRA_ST+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outdoor air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+PU+CTRL Pump control - secondary Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
H_TRA_ST+SEC+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message - secondary Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+T_OUT Return temperature - primary Temperature of the fluid exiting the heat transfer unit to the heating network °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+T_IN Return temperature - secondary Temperature of the fluid entering the heat transfer unit from the building °C
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+T_IN Supply temperature - primary Temperature of the fluid entering the heat transfer unit from the heating network °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+T_OUT Supply temperature - secondary Temperature of the fluid exiting the heat transfer unit to the building °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+T_OUT_SP Supply temperature setpoint - secondary Temperature setpoint of the fluid exiting the heat transfer unit to the building °C
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+VAL_POS_SP Valve control signal - primary Control signal of the valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+VAL_POS Valve position - primary Actual position of valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+VF Volume flow - primary Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
H_TRA_ST+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
H_TRA_ST+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
H_TRA_ST+CC_BP Heating curve - base points Defines the base points for the piecewise linear heating curve, as values seperated by comma, pairs seperated by semicolon string -12,70;20,40 °C
H_TRA_ST+NIG_REDU Heating curve - night time reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the calculated set point from the heating curve float 10 °C
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+U_EN_H Heating energy unit - primary Allows to adapt the unit of the heating energy pin. string Allowed values:
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+U_POW_H Heating power unit - primary Allows to adapt the unit of the heating power pin. string Allowed values:
H_TRA_ST+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
H_TRA_ST+OPR_MOD_DSG Overall operating mode Expected overall operating mode of component. string Allowed values:
H_TRA_ST+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+C_T_RET_DSG Primary cooling - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 20 °C
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+C_T_SUP_DSG Primary cooling - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 10 °C
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Primary cooling - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for the primary side when primary is cooling. float 5 K
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+H_T_RET_DSG Primary heating - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 48 °C
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+H_T_SUP_DSG Primary heating - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the primary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 90 °C
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Primary heating - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for the primary side when primary is heating. float 5 K
H_TRA_ST+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
H_TRA_ST+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
H_TRA_ST+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
H_TRA_ST+SEC+C_T_RET_DSG Secondary cooling - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 18 °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+C_T_SUP_DSG Secondary cooling - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during cooling operation. float 12 °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Secondary cooling - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for secondary side when secondary is cooling. float 5 K
H_TRA_ST+SEC+H_T_RET_DSG Secondary heating - design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 50 °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+H_T_SUP_DSG Secondary heating - design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the secondary side at maximum load during heating operation. float 60 °C
H_TRA_ST+SEC+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Secondary heating - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for secondary side when secondary is heating. float 5 K
H_TRA_ST+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
H_TRA_ST+SEC+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Supply temperature setpoint deviation tolerance - secondary Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
H_TRA_ST+T_EF_SIG_COLO_R Temperature efficiency red limit Overwrites the red limit for the temperature efficiency analysis. Adjust according to the data sheet. float 30 %
H_TRA_ST+T_EF_SIG_COLO_Y Temperature efficiency yellow limit Overwrites the yellow limit for the temperature efficiency analysis. Adjust according to the data sheet. float 70 %
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Valve position setpoint deviation tolerance - primary Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the valve control signal. float 10 %
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+VAL_THR Valve threshold - Primary For specific analysis functions it's important to know above what valve position the feeding pump should start to operate. This is currently only used for 3-way valves. float 5 %
H_TRA_ST+PRIM+U_VF Volume flow unit - primary Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:

Heating circuit

The Heating circuit component represents generic heating circuits that can be found in buildings. The alphanumeric ID for the component Heating circuit is H_CRC.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
H_CRC+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
H_CRC+EN_H Heating energy Measured heating energy consumed by the heating circuit default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
H_CRC+CTRL_SV_UP Heating limit Heating limit based on ambient temperature, if ambient temperature is above heating limit the circuit turns off default: °C
H_CRC+POW_H Heating power Measured heating power consumed by the heating circuit default: kW use component attribute to adjust
H_CRC+T_SRC Hot water temperature Temperature of the water coming from the heat source °C
H_CRC+COM_SWI_MN Main switching command Writable datapoint that turns the system on and off gracefully default: binary
H_CRC+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
H_CRC+OPR_MOD Operation mode Operation mode of the system multi-state
H_CRC+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outdoor air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
H_CRC+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
H_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
H_CRC+T_OUT Return temperature Temperature of the fluid leaving the heating circuit °C
H_CRC+T_IN Supply temperature Temperature of the fluid entering the heating circuit °C
H_CRC+T_IN_SP Supply temperature setpoint Temperature setpoint of the fluid entering the heating circuit °C
H_CRC+T_IN_SP_MAX Supply temperature setpoint maximum Setpoint for the maximum supply temperature °C
H_CRC+T_IN_SP_MIN Supply temperature setpoint minimum Setpoint for the minimum supply temperature °C
H_CRC+VAL_POS_SP Valve control signal Control signal of the valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
H_CRC+VAL_POS Valve position Actual position of valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
H_CRC+VF Volume flow Volume flow of heat carrier fluid (water) default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
H_CRC+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
H_CRC+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
H_CRC+H_T_RET_DSG Design return temperature Return temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 40 °C
H_CRC+H_T_SUP_DSG Design supply temperature Supply temperature that was used to design the energy system at maximum load. float 60 °C
H_CRC+CC_BP Heating curve - base points Defines the base points for the piecewise linear heating curve, as values seperated by comma, pairs seperated by semicolon string -12,70;20,40 °C
H_CRC+NIG_REDU Heating curve - night time reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the calculated set point from the heating curve float 10 °C
H_CRC+U_EN_H Heating energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating energy pin. string Allowed values:
H_CRC+U_POW_H Heating power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the heating power pin. string Allowed values:
H_CRC+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
H_CRC+COM_SWI_MN_OFF Main switching command - off Value which describes the "off mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 0 -
H_CRC+COM_SWI_MN_ON Main switching command - on Value which describes the "on mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 1 -
H_CRC+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread. float 5 K
H_CRC+NOM_POW_H Nominal power Nominal heating power of the circuit. float 10 kW
H_CRC+NOM_VF Nominal volume flow Nominal volume flow of the circuit. float 2 l/min
H_CRC+OPR_MOD_CMF Operation mode - comfort Value which describes the "comfort mode" of operation mode pin float 1 -
H_CRC+OPR_MOD_ECO Operation mode - economy Value which describes the "economy mode" of operation mode pin float 1 -
H_CRC+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
H_CRC+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
H_CRC+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
H_CRC+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
H_CRC+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
H_CRC+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Supply temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
H_CRC+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the valve control signal. float 10 %
H_CRC+VAL_THR Valve threshold For specific analysis functions it's important to know above what valve position the feeding pump should start to operate. This is currently only used for 3-way valves. float 5 %
H_CRC+VAL_TYP Valve type For specific analysis functions it's important to know what kind of valve is used to regulate the outlet temperature. If required you can choose between a 2-way valve and a 3-way valve with this attribute. string Allowed values:
"2-way valve";
"3-way valve"
H_CRC+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:
H_CRC+WASP.NIG_REDU WASP .controls algorithm - heating limit nighttime reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the heating limit float 10 °C


The Humidifier component represents a steam-powered or electric powered device used to humidify the air in an air conditioning system. The alphanumeric ID for the component Humidifier is HUM.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
HUM+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of the humidifier
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
HUM+VAL_POS Valve position Actual opening position of the valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
HUM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
HUM+MF_NOM Nominal mass flow The mass flow that is fed into the ventilation system at design conditions. float 2 kg/s

Humidity conditioner

The Humidity conditioner component data model is representative for a subset of an AHU with humidity conditioning. It is useful to analyze AHU performance regarding the change of the water load/humidity of the airflow. The alphanumeric ID for the component Humidity conditioner is AHU_HUM_CODI.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
AHU_HUM_CODI+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
AHU_HUM_CODI+HUM_REL_AIR_ODA Outside air relative humidity Relative humidity of the inlet airflow. Typically the relative humidity of the outside air %
AHU_HUM_CODI+T_AIR_ODA Outside air temperature Temperature of the inlet airflow. Typically the temperature outside of the outside air °C
AHU_HUM_CODI+SUP_HUM_REL_AIR Supply air relative humidity Relative humidity of the supply airflow %
AHU_HUM_CODI+SUP_T_AIR Supply air temperature Temperature of the supply airflow °C
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
AHU_HUM_CODI+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string

Hybrid circuit

The Hybrid circuit component represents generic circuits that can both heat and cool. In contrast, heating circuits and cooling circuits can either heat or cool. In cases where one valve is present in the circuit, map everything to the heating pins, e.g. "Heating valve position". The alphanumeric ID for the component Hybrid circuits is HY_CRC.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
HY_CRC+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
HY_CRC+T_SRC_C Cool water temperature Temperature of the water coming from the cooling source °C
HY_CRC+VAL_POS_SP_C Cooling Valve control signal Control signal of the cooling valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
HY_CRC+EN_C Cooling energy Measured cooling energy consumed by the cooling circuit default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
HY_CRC+CTRL_SV_UP_C Cooling limit Cooling limit based on ambient temperature, if ambient temperature is below cooling limit the circuit turns off default: °C
HY_CRC+POW_C Cooling power Measured cooling power consumed by the cooling circuit default: kW use component attribute to adjust
HY_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR_C Cooling pump operating message Operational state of the cooling pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
HY_CRC+T_OUT_C Cooling return temperature Temperature of the fluid leaving the cooling circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_C Cooling supply temperature Temperature of the fluid entering the cooling circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_SP_C Cooling supply temperature setpoint Temperature setpoint of the fluid entering the cooling circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_SP_C_MAX Cooling supply temperature setpoint maximum Setpoint for the maximum supply temperature of the cooling circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_SP_C_MIN Cooling supply temperature setpoint minimum Setpoint for the minimum supply temperature of the cooling circuit °C
HY_CRC+VAL_POS_C Cooling valve position Actual position of cooling valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
HY_CRC+VF_C Cooling volume flow Volume flow of the cooling circuit default: l/s
HY_CRC+EN_H Heating energy Measured heating energy consumed by the heating circuit default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
HY_CRC+CTRL_SV_UP_H Heating limit Heating limit based on ambient temperature, if ambient temperature is above heating limit the circuit turns off default: °C
HY_CRC+POW_H Heating power Measured heating power consumed by the heating circuit default: kW use component attribute to adjust
HY_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR_H Heating pump operating message Operational state of the heating pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
HY_CRC+T_OUT_H Heating return temperature Temperature of the fluid leaving the heating circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_H Heating supply temperature Temperature of the fluid entering the heating circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_SP_H Heating supply temperature setpoint Temperature setpoint of the fluid entering the heating circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_SP_H_MAX Heating supply temperature setpoint maximum Setpoint for the maximum supply temperature of the heating circuit °C
HY_CRC+T_IN_SP_H_MIN Heating supply temperature setpoint minimum Setpoint for the minimum supply temperature of the heating circuit °C
HY_CRC+VAL_POS_SP_H Heating valve control signal Control signal of the heating valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
HY_CRC+VAL_POS_H Heating valve position Actual position of heating valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
HY_CRC+VF_H Heating volume flow Volume flow of the heating circuit default: l/s
HY_CRC+T_SRC_H Hot water temperature Temperature of the water coming from the heat source °C
HY_CRC+COM_SWI_MN Main switching command Writable datapoint that turns the system on and off gracefully default: binary
HY_CRC+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
HY_CRC+OPR_MOD Operation mode Writable datapoint that switches the mode of the component multi-state
HY_CRC+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
HY_CRC+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
HY_CRC+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operational state of the pump:
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
HY_CRC+CC_BP Heating curve - base points Defines the base points for the piecewise linear heating curve, as values seperated by comma, pairs seperated by semicolon string -12,70;20,40 °C
HY_CRC+NIG_REDU Heating curve - night time reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the calculated set point from the heating curve float 10 °C
HY_CRC+COM_SWI_MN_OFF Main switching command - off Value which describes the "off mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 0 -
HY_CRC+COM_SWI_MN_ON Main switching command - on Value which describes the "on mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 1 -
HY_CRC+NOM_POW_C Nominal cooling power Cooling power at design conditions float 60 kW
HY_CRC+NOM_VF_C Nominal cooling volume flow Volume flow at design conditions. float 15 m3/h
HY_CRC+NOM_POW_H Nominal heating power Heating power at design conditions float 120 kW
HY_CRC+NOM_VF_H Nominal heating volume flow Volume flow at design conditions float 4 m3/h
HY_CRC+OPR_MOD_C Operation mode - cooling Allows to adapt the value of cooling mode float 2 -
HY_CRC+OPR_MOD_H Operation mode - heating Allows to adapt the value of heating mode float 3 -
HY_CRC+OPR_MOD_N Operation mode - neutral Allows to adapt the value of neutral mode float 4 -
HY_CRC+SHD Schedule Weekly schedule of the AHU JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
HY_CRC+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
HY_CRC+WASP.NIG_RAI WASP .controls algorithm - cooling limit nighttime raise The night raise that will be applied to the cooling limit float 10 °C
HY_CRC+WASP.NIG_REDU WASP .controls algorithm - heating limit nighttime reduction The night reduction that will be applied to the heating limit float 10 °C

Recooling plant

The Recooling plant component represents a generic plant that transfers excess heat to the environment. The alphanumeric ID for the component Recooling plant is PLNT_C_RE.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
PLNT_C_RE+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
PLNT_C_RE+EN_C Cooling energy Measured cooling energy of the recooling plant default: MWh use component attribute to adjust
PLNT_C_RE+POW_C Cooling power Measured cooling power of the recooling plant default: kW use component attribute to adjust
PLNT_C_RE+EN_EL Electrical energy Electrical energy counter of the recooling plant default: kWh
PLNT_C_RE+POW_EL Electrical power Electrical power consumption of the recooling plant default: kW
PLNT_C_RE+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
PLNT_C_RE+FAN+MSG_OPR Operating message - fan Informs about operational state of the fan
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
PLNT_C_RE+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
PLNT_C_RE+T_IN Return temperature Temperature of carrier fluid entering the recooling plant. °C
PLNT_C_RE+FAN+SPE Speed - fan Current fan speed in relation to the nominal speed of the fan %
PLNT_C_RE+T_OUT Supply temperature Temperature of carrier fluid leaving the recooling plant. °C
PLNT_C_RE+VF Volume flow Volume flow of carrier fluid (water) on secondary side default: l/s use component attribute to adjust
PLNT_C_RE+VOL_WS Water quantity Counter for volume of used water in the recooling plant m3
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
PLNT_C_RE+C_T_RET_DSG Cooling - design return temperature Return temperature at maximum load during cooling operation. float 15 °C
PLNT_C_RE+C_T_SUP_DSG Cooling - design supply temperature Supply temperature at maximum load during cooling operation. float 30 °C
PLNT_C_RE+C_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Cooling - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for cooling mode. float 5 K
PLNT_C_RE+U_EN_C Cooling energy unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling energy pin. string Allowed values:
PLNT_C_RE+U_POW_C Cooling power unit Allows to adapt the unit of the cooling power pin. string Allowed values:
PLNT_C_RE+H_T_RET_DSG Heating - design return temperature Return temperature at maximum load during heating operation. float 20 °C
PLNT_C_RE+H_T_SUP_DSG Heating - design supply temperature Supply temperature at maximum load during heating operation. float 40 °C
PLNT_C_RE+H_T_SPR_MIN_DSG Heating - minimal temperature spread Minimal expected temperature spread for heating mode. float 5 K
PLNT_C_RE+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
PLNT_C_RE+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin. string Allowed values:


The Room component data model is the basic component model for rooms. The alphanumeric ID for the component Room is ROOM.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
ROOM+AED_CTRL_ACT AI controls active The operational state of an aedifion .controls app binary
ROOM+CO2 CO2 CO2 concentration in the room air ppm
ROOM+CO2_SP CO2 setpoint Setpoint for CO2 concentration in room ppm
ROOM+T_COMF_T_AIR Comfort temperature Comfort temperature for the room used by the thermal comfort analysis °C
ROOM+MSG_DP_ALARM Dew point alarm message Alarm which indicates a high risk of condensation binary
ROOM+LI_MSG_OPR Lighting operating message Operating message of the lighting system of the room
1 = switched-on
0 = switched-off
ROOM+COM_SWI_MN Main switching command Writable datapoint that turns the system on and off gracefully multi-state
ROOM+MSG_OPR Operating message Operating message of room control
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
ROOM+HUM_REL_ODA Outside air relative humidity Outside air relative humidity, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site %
ROOM+T_AIR_ODA Outside air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
ROOM+SUN_POS Position sunlight protection Position of the sun protection to decrease the entry of solar radiation into the room %
ROOM+PRES Presence Presence of one or more persons inside the room
1 = presence
0 = no presence
ROOM+HUM_REL Relative room air humidity Relative humidity of indoor air %
ROOM+T_AIR Room air temperature Inside air temperature in the room °C
ROOM+T_AIR_SP Room air temperature setpoint (calculated) Setpoint of the air temperature inside the room. Typically consists of the summation of the basis setpoint with the setpoint adjustment. °C
ROOM+T_AIR_SP_BASE Room temperature base setpoint Setpoint for the air temperature inside a room. Typically used in conjunction with setpoint adjustment. °C
ROOM+T_AIR_SP_ADJ Temperature setpoint adjustment It's used as an indication for the room temperature desired by the user. The adjustment is a temperature delta that is added to the basis setpoint. ΔK
ROOM+T_AIR_SP_C Temperature setpoint cooling Air temperature setpoint for room operating mode cooling °C
ROOM+T_AIR_SP_H Temperature setpoint heating Air temperature setpoint for room operating mode heating °C
ROOM+C_VAL_POS Valve position - cooling Actual opening position of the cooling valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
ROOM+H_VAL_POS Valve position - heating Actual opening position of the heating valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
ROOM+EXH_AIR_VAL_POS Volume flow controller position - exhaust air Actual opening position of exhaust air damper
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
ROOM+SUP_AIR_VAL_POS Volume flow controller position - supply air Actual opening position of supply air damper
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
ROOM+WIN_POS Window opening Position of the window
0 = closed
1 = opened
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
ROOM+AR Area Area of the room float 20 m2
ROOM+AV_SAL Average salary Average hourly salary of employees in the room. float 40.0 €/person
ROOM+RAQ_CO2_LOW CO2 curve - lower point 2 CO2 Adjusts the target CO2 value at the lower point 2 of the CO2 curve. float 2000 ppm
ROOM+RAQ_PERC_LOW CO2 curve - lower point 2 percent Adjusts the target percentage value at the lower point 2 of the CO2 curve. float 0 %
ROOM+RAQ_CO2_UPP CO2 curve - upper point 1 CO2 Adjusts the target CO2 value at the upper point 1 of the CO2 curve. float 500 ppm
ROOM+RAQ_PERC_UPP CO2 curve - upper point 1 percent Adjusts the target percentage value at the upper point 1 of the CO2 curve. float 100 %
ROOM+CO2_SP_DEV_TOL CO2 setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual CO2 concentration from setpoint. float 100.0 ppm
ROOM+CALC_SATI Calculation of user satisfaction "True" if this room should be used in the calculation the wellbeing analysis function, "False" if this room should not be used string True -
ROOM+T_COMF_LOW_T_AIR Comfort temperature curve - lower point 1 Room temperature Adjusts the value for the room temperature at the lower point 1 of the comfort temperature curve. float 22.0 °C
ROOM+T_COMF_LOW_T_AIR_ODA Comfort temperature curve - lower point 1 outside air temperature Adjusts the value for the outside air temperature at the lower point 1 of the comfort temperature curve. float 16.0 °C
ROOM+T_COMF_UPP_T_AIR Comfort temperature curve - upper point 2 Room temperature Adjusts the value for the room temperature at the upper point 2 of the comfort temperature curve. float 26.0 °C
ROOM+T_COMF_UPP_T_AIR_ODA Comfort temperature curve - upper point 2 outside air temperature Adjusts the value for the outside air temperature at the upper point 2 of the comfort temperature curve. float 32.0 °C
ROOM+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
ROOM+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
ROOM+T_AIR_SP_DFLT Default room temperature setpoint Default room temperature setpoint of the room float 22.0 °C
ROOM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
ROOM+T_AIR_LIM_LOW Lower limit for room temperature lower cut-off temperature limit, which triggers a red signal color if fallen short of for a certain amount of time. float 17.0 °C
ROOM+COM_SWI_MN_OFF Main switching command - off Value which describes the "off mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 0 -
ROOM+COM_SWI_MN_ON Main switching command - on Value which describes the "on mode" of main switching command pin, especially for multi-state variables float 1 -
ROOM+OCC_MAX Maximum occupation of the room Maximum number of people in the room. int 10.0 persons/room
ROOM+ORC.T_AIR_ADJ_LIM ORC .controls algorithm - temperature offset limit Maximum temperature offset for the ORC .controls algorithm float 3.0 °C
ROOM+ORC.T_AIR_TIM_LIM ORC .controls algorithm - time limit Time limit for the ORC .controls algorithm float 3600 s
ROOM+PEO_COUNT People in the room Expected number of people in room ínt 5 people
ROOM+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
ROOM+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
ROOM+CO2_SIG_COL_R Room air quality red limit Overwrites the red limit for the room air quality analysis. float 1500 ppm
ROOM+CO2_SIG_COL_Y Room air quality yellow limit Overwrites the yellow limit for the room air quality analysis. float 750 ppm
ROOM+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
ROOM+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
ROOM+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0 min
ROOM+T_SP_DEV_TOL Temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 2.5 °C
ROOM+TH_COMF_EVL_THR Thermal comfort evaluation threshold in hours per week Maximum time that the room temperature can be above or below the cut-off temperature limits before the signal color turns red. float 4.0 h
ROOM+TH_COMF_SIG_COLO_R Thermal comfort red limit Overwrites the red limit for the thermal comfort analysis. float 3 K
ROOM+TH_COMF_SIG_COLO_Y Thermal comfort yellow limit Overwrites the yellow limit for the thermal comfort analysis. float 1.5 k
ROOM+TYP Type of the room Type of the room to get an estimation of the percentual occupation based on E DIN EN 16798 and in combination with pins ‘presence’ or ‘operating message’. If the calculations should only be based on pins ‘operating message’ or ‘presence’ without any reductions, enter "24/7 full occupancy". Allowed values:
single person office;
multi persons office;
conference room;
ROOM+T_AIR_LIM_UPP Upper limit for room temperature Upper cut-off temperature limit, which triggers a red signal color if exceeded for a certain amount of time. float 30.0 °C
ROOM+RAQ_TIME_PERC percentage time for room air quality calculation Percentile of normalised time at which the CO2 value of the ordered and corrected time series is used to calculate the overall air quality. float 1.5 %


The System component represents a generic system. It is required to represent the status of equipment on the Status & Alerts. The alphanumeric ID for the component System is S.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
S+STAT_OPR Operational state Operational state according to aedifion multi-state definition:
0: System is switched off or there is no data
100: System is running
102: System is currently shut off, but ready to turn on
103: System warning, such as a filter-changing message
200: System manually switched off
300: System in error shut-down
301: System in error state and still operating
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
S+ICON Icon Icon string according to v5 of string far fa-rocket
S+LINK Link URL link to support navigation to further resources string

Thermal control loop

The Thermal control loop component data model is representative of thermal control loops. It can be utilized to model thermal control loops of the conversion, distribution, and acceptance layer. The alphanumeric ID for the component Thermal control loop is TH_CTRL_LOO.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
TH_CTRL_LOO+MSG_ALARM Alarm message Any boolean alarm message, critical alerts are preferred
1 = alarm
0 = no alarm
TH_CTRL_LOO+T_IN Inlet temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water, brine) entering the control loop. Also referred to as uncontrolled supply temperature of the control loop °C
TH_CTRL_LOO+T_RCA Inlet temperature recirculation Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water, brine) returning from consumer circuit. Also referred to as consumer return temperature and modeled as inlet temperature recirculation °C
TH_CTRL_LOO+MSG_OPR Operating message Informs about operational state of component
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
TH_CTRL_LOO+T_OUT Outlet temperature Temperature of heat carrier fluid (water, brine) exiting the control loop. Also referred to as controlled supply temperature, or consumer supply temperature °C
TH_CTRL_LOO+T_OUT_SP Outlet temperature setpoint Setpoint temperature of heat carrier fluid (water, brine) exiting the control loop. Also referred to as setpoint of supply temperature binary
TH_CTRL_LOO+PU+CTRL Pump control Value representing the pump control or pump speed E.g.:
TH_CTRL_LOO+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message Operating message of pump within the control loop
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
TH_CTRL_LOO+VAL_POS_SP Valve control signal Control signal of the valve
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
TH_CTRL_LOO+VAL_POS Valve position Actual position of valve opening
0 = fully closed
100 = fully opened
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
TH_CTRL_LOO+CUS_DAY_SHD Custom day schedules Overwrites basic schedule for specific days with an individual schedule. The JSON is flexibly expandable for any number of days. JSON {"2020-02-28":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}, "2020-02-29":{"start":"09:00", "end":"18:00"}}
TH_CTRL_LOO+CUS_HOLI Custom holiday On a holiday plant operation is considered as unintentional. Adds holidays to the schedule. JSON ["2020-01-02", "2020-01-28", "2020-04-07"]
TH_CTRL_LOO+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
TH_CTRL_LOO+T_OUT_SP_DEV_TOL Outlet temperature setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of actual temperature from setpoint. float 1.5 °C
TH_CTRL_LOO+PRECON Pre-conditioning period Unit: minutes. Adds a preconditioning period to the start time of the schedule. Operation before the start time is therefore evaluated as intended within the additional preconditioning time. float 30.0 min
TH_CTRL_LOO+REG_KEY Regional holiday key Adds regional holidays where operation is not intended to the schedule. Localization by regional keys from ISO 3166-2. string DE-NW
TH_CTRL_LOO+SHD Schedule Weekly, workday individual schedule. Do not add a workday to the JSON, unless it has times of intended operation. JSON {"Mon":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Tue":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Wed":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"}, "Thu":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Fri":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sat":{"start":"10:00", "end":"20:00"},"Sun":{"start":"10:00","end":"20:00"}}
TH_CTRL_LOO+SHD_TIMZ Schedule timezone Default: Europe/Berlin. Timezone of the schedule provided in IANA timezone codes. string Europe/Berlin
TH_CTRL_LOO+SHDO_FLX Shutdown flexibility Unit: minutes. Adds a shutdown flexibility to the end time of the schedule. Operation before the schedule end time is therefore evaluated as unintended during the shutdown flexibility. float 30.0
TH_CTRL_LOO+VAL_POS_SP_DEV_TOL Valve position setpoint deviation tolerance Tolerance for deviation of the valve position from the valve control signal. float 10 %
TH_CTRL_LOO+VAL_THR Valve threshold For specific analysis functions it's important to know above what valve position the feeding pump should start to operate. This is currently only used for 3-way valves. float 5 %
TH_CTRL_LOO+VAL_TYP Valve type For specific analysis functions it's important to know what kind of valve is used to regulate the outlet temperature. If required you can choose between a 2-way valve and a 3-way valve with this attribute. string Allowed values:
"2-way valve";
"3-way valve"

Thermal energy storage

The Thermal energy storage component represents a generic thermal storage for warm or cold water. The alphanumeric ID for the component Thermal energy storage is STO_TH.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
STO_TH+T_STO_LOW Lower storage temperature Measurement point for the water temperature inside the tank at the lowest location °C
STO_TH+T_AIR_ODA Outdoor air temperature Outside air temperature, datapoint can be mapped from a weather station on site °C
STO_TH+PRIM+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message - primary Informs about operational state of the pump on the charging side of the tank
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
STO_TH+SEC+PU+MSG_OPR Pump operating message - secondary Informs about operational state of the pump on discharging side of the tank
1 = operating
0 = switched-off
STO_TH+T_STO_UPP Upper storage temperature Measurement point for the water temperature inside the tank at the highest location °C
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
STO_TH+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string

Waste Meter

The Waste Meter component model represents a meter that measures the amount of waste generated by a system. The alphanumeric ID for the component Waste meter is WASTM.

No analysis available at the moment.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
WASTM+MF Average mass flow rate Mass flow rate of waste. kg/month
WASTM+MA Cumulated weight Amount of waste accumulated. kg
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
WASTM+DATA_SRC Data source Define how the data for pins of this component was written into the database. string Allowed values:
WASTM+M_NUM ID number Meter number used for billing and identification purposes. string 1-EMH-000039123456
WASTM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string

Water meter

The Water meter is a component model that represents the measurement of volumes and volume flows of water. The alphanumeric ID for the component Water meter is WSM.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
WSM+VF Volume flow Volume flow of water l/s
WSM+VOL Water quantity Increasing volume counter for gas consumption m3
alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
WSM+DATA_SRC Data source Define how the data for pins of this component was written into the database. string Allowed values:
WSM+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
WSM+M_NUM Meter number Meter number used for billing and identification purposes. string 1-EMH-000039123456
WSM+U_VF Volume flow unit Allows to adapt the unit of the volume flow pin string 4 l/min

Weather station

The Weather station (WST) component data model links weather sensors and correlating data points. The alphanumeric ID for the component Weather station is WST.

Mind the units.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Unit
WST+HUM_REL_AIR_ODA Outside air relative humidity Relative humidity of outside air %
WST+T_AIR_ODA Outside air temperature Temperature of outside air °C
WST+REFE_HUM_REL_AIR_ODA Reference outside air relative humidity Reference relative humidity from online databases which is used for outdoor air relative humidity sensor checkup %
WST+REFE_T_AIR_ODA Reference outside air temperature Reference temperature from online databases which is used for outdoor air temperature sensor checkup °C

The attributes for location are not used at the moment and will be removed in the future.

alphanumeric_id Name Info Type Example Value Unit
WST+LAT Latitude Geographical latitude of weather station. This attribute will be deprecated in the future. float 6.9403 degrees
WST+LINK Link Hyperlink to external resources string
WST+LON Longitude Geographical longitude of weather station. This attribute will be deprecated in the future. float 50.9407 degrees
WST+ANA analytics basis Use this wether station in .analytics calculations string True / False boolean


The library of component data models is constantly expanding. If you are missing a component data model, or want us to implement it for you, feel free to contact us.

Last update: 2024-06-05
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