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An intelligent, open-interface platform for monitoring technical building equipment and energy systems.


For monitoring technical building equipment and energy systems, a plug-and-play connection to the local plants in the building can be provided via our aedifion Edge Device or MQTT. Within a short time, all available data in the building can be discovered, collected and stored. This creates a cloud-based data hub on the platform, which is necessary for efficient building operation.

To enable the widest possible variety of data sources, the platform speaks most bus communication standards in the industry. This means that data can be collected at plant level, at building level or even for entire districts. The modern technical basis of the platform enables a highly efficient query and processing of the collected data. Thus, the data sets are available within a very short time.

After the input from different data sources, offers several possibilities of data provision, i.e., via our web frontend, via residual and streaming APIs as well as via integrations in third party software. Integrations of third-party services are also made very easy. The entire functionality of is made available via the HTTP API.

The processing of the collected data on the platform is oriented on the German VDI 6041 "Technical Monitoring" and the international standard ISO 50 001 "Energy Management". Within the scope of these regulations, we offer various possibilities of data processing. To simplify the structuring and thus to be able to manage data faster, tags, favorite markers or data point keys are available. Even basic control functions, such as writing setpoints, can be realized via the platform if a data point from the field is generally controllable.

When using the cloud-platform, we focus on security and simplicity. Therefore, user management is completely intuitive. Users can be freely added to the company and flexibly assigned to or removed from the company's projects. Authentication can be implemented very conveniently via single sign-on.

We also rely on security for alarms, e.g., if the CO2-concentration in a project rises too high. This is done redundantly, not only via the platform, but also, for example, via different alerting channels such as e-mail or instant messenger.

Last update: 2022-10-04
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