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This section offers a short overview of the functionalities available in the Optimization.

Component overview

aedifion provides an overview page with all the components created. This is shown in Figure 1. It contains information on possible potential savings and the number of color-coded analysis results per component. By clicking on the component card, you are redirected to the component page with an already filtered component list.

Figure 1: Overview page of the components with savings indication


The Checklist is used to create and manage tasks. Tasks can be created with reference to components or individual analysis results as well as without a specific reference. The overview shows the title of the task, the name of the associated digital twin, the expected annual savings potential (if this can be quantified), the start date, the person responsible and the current status of the task. An end date and comments can also be added to the tasks. This information can be viewed in the details view.

Figure 2: Checklist with task description, component reference and the person responsible for implementation

Component mapping

Choose one of the existing, generic components and map the related pins to your project's specific datapoints using AI mapping recommendations. Mapped components are the basis for further analytics and automatically created dashboards, just to name two of many use-cases. The following functions can only be used if the product is booked.

Figure 3: Mapping of the pin heating power using the AI mapping recommendation

Figure 4: Verifying correct datapoint mapping of component Heating circuit 4

Components and operations analysis

Explore all components of the project. Automated analysis identifies and evaluates optimization measures of each individual component, visualized by signal colors right next to the name of the component.

Figure 5: List of components on the left-hand side, sorted by impact of the identified optimization

Explore deeper insights into the results of the automated analysis of every specific component and browse the results history. Results include interpretations of the operations of the component, recommended measures to optimize its operation, and KPIs.

Figure 6: Insights into the analysis Setpoint Deviation of the selected component

All datapoints of the component are visualized and enable further analysis.

Figure 7: Visualization of all mapped pins of the component

Savings potential

The savings potentials provide a quick overview of which recommendations for action should be prioritized. The savings potentials are calculated for possible cost savings (€), energy consumption savings (kWh) and CO2 emissions savings (kg) on an annual basis. These are not precise forecasts. The maintained energy prices and CO2 emission factors of the building are taken into account.

Figure 8: Overview of identified savings potential by analysis

Last update: 2024-05-27
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